Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Getting back to my Roots

Lately I've been getting back to my roots and doing a lot of illustration.  As much as I love love LOVE design, it has felt good to be creating original things rather than compiling objects, although I love the creative challenge in that as well.  It all started one night when I couldn't sleep and decided to turn my neice into a Christmas elf.  It seems to help me to have a "story" to go along with the picture, even if it's just one line.  Then of course I had to do all her sisters too.  You can see a bit of my evolution as I tried out different techniques between photoshop and illustrator.  I'm excited to see where this takes me.  Also, aren't my nieces the CUTEST??

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, Megan, so so so cute. Rosie might be my fav.
    Nice work
